A bridegroom, Mr Rufus Aplang, left family, friends, guests and worshippers in shock when he walked out of church during his wedding service and abandoned his supposed bride, Judith, in Jos.

Aplang fled the God’s Glory Ministry, Jos, venue of wedding, when it was time to take the wedding vow on Saturday and his action threw family members, friends, colleagues and associates into wild confusion.

But before he walked out on his bride on a day that was supposed to the most memorable of her life, Aplang was quoted to have allegedly said that he had planned 10 years ago to disgrace his supposed bride on their wedding day.

According to an eye witness, Miss Julian Dogo, the fleeing groom was said to have given shocking answers to the pastor, when it was time to take his marital vows.

She said, “Aplang was asked on the altar by the pastor, ‘Do you take Judith as your wife for batter for worse?’ Then he replied with a ‘No’.

“The pastor put the same question to him, and he replied, ‘Pastor, I heard you clearly, and understand English very well and my answer is still No’

“Then the pastor said to him, but you are well dressed and came ready for this wedding, and he replied, ‘Sorry, I made up my mind 10 years ago to disgrace her on our wedding day’

“As soon as he said that, he walked out of the church, and was followed by his best man and his friends who drove out of the church premises.”

It was reported that Judith, the supposed bride, collapsed inside the church and was taken to an disclosed hospital around Plateau State Polytechnic in Jos

Best man if the day, Mr. Peter Sani, while also narrating what happened, described the entire episode as very “embarrassing.”

He said, “Aplang is my childhood friend, and Judith has been a friend and sister too, and he dated her for over 12 years.

“I was in the church to serve as a best man, and also as a fulfilled man, to witness their wedding; but I was shocked and highly disappointed with what happened in the church today.”

Attributing his friend’s behaviour to some sort of diabolism, Sani added that Aplang’s action was not ordinary.

He added, “This is not ordinary; Aplang will always confide in me on any issue, if he had the plan to walk out on the altar he would have told me.

“What happened today is unimaginable, I came out of the church weeping profusely.”

#Pix 📸: For illustration


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