By Vanessa Okwara

Against the several speculations flying about on the internet, popular televangelist and founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet TB Joshua, has said that he did not go to tye mountain top for the reason being speculated in the social media.

Revealing the reasons behind his visit to the mountain recently, the popular prophet said that regularly, he goes to the mountain to rest, instead of being in the atmosphere of technology.

Prophet Joshua said that he didn’t go there for the sole aim of praying, because anywhere can be referred to as a prayer mountain, it only depends on the state of the heart.

This was contained in a tweet on his church’s Twitter account.

The Tweet reads, “Prophet TB Joshua has returned from the Prayer Mountain. When welcomed back, he explained: ‘Point of correction – any place can be a prayer mountain. It depends on the state of our heart.

“‘Our heart is the prayer mountain. Our heart is the prayer room. I went there just to have a rest. Many prefer to be in an atmosphere of technology, modern days – but I choose to be in an atmosphere of nature. I was just there to rest.’”

Answering questions on how to get God’s word into the hearts of men, the prophet said that one must be carried along by the Holy Spirit.

He added, “First of all, we need to know what the Bible is irrespective of the publisher.

“If you are to read the Bible, you must be carried along by the Holy Spirit, but nowadays, we read the Bible, we pray without any attention to the Holy Spirit, without any regard to the Holy Spirit.

“Before you read the Bible, you need to seek the attention of the Holy Spirit because the Bible is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit.’’

Recall that weeks ago, several online publications faulted the Prophet’s choice to make his visit to the mountain public


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