A non-governmental organisation, Nigerian Youth Prodessionals, NYP, has appealed to the management of Access Bank Plc to reverse its decision to sack 75 per cent of its workforce, saying such development will bring  more hardship to many families in the country.
Making this appeal at the weekend, the  NYP, in a release signed by its Chairman and Secretary, Dr Dozie Okechukwu and Alhaji Bala Ali, respectively, said the retrenchment of those workers at this time that the country is battling with a harsh economic situation is not desirable.
NYP said, “We  hereby appeal to the Board and Management of Access Bank to please rescind its decision to sack 75 per cent of its workforce, because that decision will bring sorrow and hardship to thousands of families across the country. It’s spill over effects may even amount to unimaginable level.
“We believe the bank can cut its other ostentatious expenses, such as frequent advertisements in foreign television  outfits like the Cable News Network, CNN, to augment its expenditure.
“Laying off workers at this time that many Nigerians are already suffering harsh economic reality of lockdown, occasioned by the COVID -19 pandemic will be too suicidal.
“We therefore appeal to the bank to take into cognisance the interest of the dependants of the workers and rescind its decision.”


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