… Rolls Out Activities To Mark First Year Anniversary

All is now set for the celebration of Governor Bassey Edet Otu of Cross River state one year anniversary in a grand style by foremost socio-political organization, Cross River State Political Network (CRISPON).

According to CRISPON’s Director General and Chairman Central Planning Committee of the event, Dr. Prince Michael Nku Abuo, the governor’s numerous achievements barely one year in office calls for celebration and thanksgiving to God Almighty, for His enablement.

He stated this in a press release to newsmen yesterday in Calabar, outlining a three day programme of events to commemorate the governor’s first year anniversary in office.

National Compass reports that the three day event expected to commence with an evening of praise and worship at Gold city church in Calabar on Monday, 27 May, will also feature visitation to the less privileged on Tuesday, 28 as well as a road walk with the governor on Wednesday 29, May, 2024.

The Director General disclosed that the event became imperative in order to change the public perception about governance in the state.

He said with determination and the interest of the masses at heart, it is possible for any leader to build a new and prosperous Cross River state as exemplified by governor Ot u, who is about one year in office.

According to Abuo, who was the former Director General, Cross River state Migration Agency in the immediate past administration in the state, the achievements of governor Otu spanning several sectors of the economy are quite impactful and visible for all to see.

He listed ongoing reforms in the agricultural sector, infrastructural developments including roads rehabilitation, recent engagement with foreign diplomats to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), sudden boost in the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) in the state as some of the milestones recorded by the Prince Bassey Otu’s led administration in Cross River.

“Cross River State Political Network (CRISPON), the foremost, largest online and offline sociopolitical organization in the state will be marking His Excellency Sen Prince Bassey Edet Otu, the Executive Governor of Cross River State one year in office and has therefore constituted a planning committee cut across the 18 Local Government Areas of the state as well as drawn an outline for a 3 days event.

“The significance of celebrating the driving of the People’s First government this one year is in the sense that His Excellency has clearly shown that the building and establishment of a new and properly refined Cross River State is indeed possible.

“From his agricultural reforms in concluding of a comprehensive soil test analysis for agro revolution and activation of various agricultural value chain initiatives; to boosting of our state IGR to over 100 percent of its original figure hence making additional funds available to drive the people’s first agenda; sealing deals and positive image projection of Cross River State as seen in your engagements with foreign diplomats and international organization like the EU Commission, AUDA-NEPAD”, Abuo’s  statement read in part.

He called on Cross Riverians and other well-meaning Nigerians to always pray for the success of the Otu’s led administration, adding that it is indeed the Peoples’ first government.



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