Appalled by the poor state of educational facilities in Akoko South-East/West federal constituency, the member of the House of Representatives representing the constituency, Hon. Ade Adeogun, has provided tables and chairs for about 600 students, as well as teachers across the federal constituency in order to aid teaching and learning.

These chairs were delivered to 12 schools in the two local governments of the constituency for the advancement of education.

A statement by Hon Adeogun’s Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Abire Sunday Olugbenga, quoted the deputy chairman of the House Committee on Security, while speaking at the presentation, categorically stating that “this will be done every year until our students wouldn’t need to provide chairs and tables themselves.”

Also speaking at the event, the executive chairman of Akoko South West Local Government, Hon Augustine Oloruntogbe, lauded the initiative as one that would cushion the hardship parents and students go through in the process of getting educated due to the fact that the current economic realities have impeded government at all levels from providing everything needed by our schools.

In a related development, Hon Adeoegun, popularly nicknamed the ‘Beautiful Brand’ also commissioned solar water boreholes of 12,000 litres capacity across the constituency.

He said, “This will serve the need of our people as well as enhance their lives, while having unfettered access to potable water.”

Communities that benefitted from the solar borehole project include Oba-Akoko, Akungba-Akoko, Ibaka Oka-Akoko, Idofin Oka-Akoko, Isua-Akoko and Ifira-Akoko.

The one for Supare-Akoko could not be delivered due to technical problems and according to the ‘Beautiful Brand,’ “it is not our practice to give the people anything other than quality. We will review and get back to work until we achieve success. We are never going to have any abandoned project by the grace of God and in the spirit of truth, we will never shirk from taking responsibilities. This is what we represent. This is who we are and we won’t do anything to deceive the people.”

“In line with our developmental strategy, it’s our hope that our people irrespective of wherever they are will be touched significantly.”


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